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Clarksville, Arkansas Visitation Guidelines


Clarksville Arkansas Visitation Guidelines

The following applies ONLY to our Clarksville, Arkansas, community. All other communities are following the previously set regulations. We will update as soon as that changes. 

  • Visitors must participate in and pass the facility’s screening process prior to each visit.
  • The facility screening process must include a screening questionnaire, which will record the identity of the resident visited, date, name, address and phone number of the visitor and maintain these records so that they can be made available upon request by the Department of Health and the Office of Long term Care. The questionnaire will also include a declaration regarding signs and symptoms of infection, contact and/or exposure to known COVID-19 positive persons, and any prior testing to COVID-19, as well as a statement that the visitor will inform the facility immediately if they develop symptoms within 72 hours of visiting or test positive for COVID-19 after visiting.
  • Visitors must not have signs or symptoms of COVID-19 for a least 3 days. If any visitor previously tested positive for COVID-19, They must not visit within 14 days of a positive test.
  • Visitors MUST wear a face mask at all times. (if a visitor is caught not properly wearing their facemask during a visit, their visitation privileges will be suspended until further notice.)
  • Visitors must sanitize hands with an alcohol-based hand rub when entering and exiting the facility
  • Visitors cannot eat during the visit.
  • All visits will take place in the facility library.
  • Adequate staff will be present to allow for personnel to help with the transition of resident from their rooms to the visitation are, monitoring of visitation, and wiping down visitation areas after each visit.
  • The facility must monitor all visits carefully to ensure that masks are worn, and visitation policies are followed
  • Visitation shall be staggered through the day to accommodate the visitation space and appropriately limit the overall number of individuals visiting at one time.
  • The visitation area must be wiped down between visitations using an approved antiviral disinfectant.
  • All visits must be scheduled in advance through the facility office.
  • Visitation hours will be Tuesday – Friday 9 am to 11 am and 2 pm to 4 pm.
  • Visitation space must allow appropriate social distancing of at least 6 feet between visitors.
  • Visitation will be limited to two visitors per one resident at a time
  • Visitation is limited to 30 minutes per appointment.
  • Residents should wear face masks during the visit, if able.
  • Residents must have the ability to safely transition from their room to the visitation area, if used.
  • Visitors must remain in their vehicle until their scheduled visitation time. After entering the facility, visitors must stay in designated visitation locations.
  • Visitation is restricted to children 12 years of age or older. Visitors with children must be able to manage them, and children must be able to wear a face mask during the entire visitation.

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